Friday, December 19, 2008

Our Christmas story on "The Story"

Xavier and I were featured in a radio program, "The Story" (North Carolina Public Radio)! And it aired on my birthday, no less! Of course I have sent out this news to every living person that I ever knew because it was really a moment of fame for the two of us. However, if you haven't heard the Santa Story and would like to hear it, click below for the audio. It aired last Monday, but then there were some listener responses to the story so they talked a bit more about it on Wednesday (which I added to the end of the audio, below).

In order to do the interview we had to go to the MPR (Minnesota Public Radio) studio in St. Paul where they could send the audio signal back and forth between North Carolina and Minnesota. We were asked to go to one of the music studios so that they could record Xavier playing the guitar. The sound engineer set us up in head phones, each in front of a giant microphone the size of your head. We were all alone in the room with the engineer on the other side of a glass window, but we could hear Dick Gordon (of "The Story") as if he were sitting right there. Well, the interview went really well and we had a fabulous experience. After we were finished the sound guy recorded Xavier playing 2 of his guitar pieces and burned it onto a CD (I'm sure I'll get around to putting it on this blog pretty darn soon). Then, he took us a tour of the MPR building. Hey! I got to sit in Keri Miller's chair!

René, Ahna and Xavier 1998

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Very cool for you guys! Merry Christmas. I'm thinking about you.