Saturday, November 04, 2006

Introduction by Selena

Good Morning Lizards and Slugs, this is Selena, daughter of this cyberspace family that you have stumbled upon. While I fully wake up I am typing this, waiting for my maternal section of the parental unit to get me coffee which is why this post seems slightly, well.... insane.

So now I will introduce you to my world. Later on you will meet the maternal section of my family unit in which I mentioned earlier, presumably in later posts, she is the one that mixs together food to put in our darling little stomachs, cleans house to get us from wasting away in our own flith, and spoils all the little critters that live with us, to which I will introduce you later. But be not fooled! Mother Dearest can not only trounce you in a game of puzzles but she can wrestle a 150 pound Great Dane into submission (Jota, our dog).

Next we meet, René, paternal unit of the Jara household. René works very hard as a professor of Latin American Literature at the University of Minnesota. René deals with other professors all the time and is famously patient (at least with us) and sweet.

Then there is Xavier, my younger brother in the Jara Family, who enjoys a number of musical intruments (banjo, guitar, and violin) and loves to play a number of video games (of which I like to play "Kirby", a fluffy pink, floating ball). He is also the one that keeps our mangy mongrels consistently amused and tired most of the time.

Me? No... there's no way I could make an accurate character assesment of myself, I'll leave that up to whoever wishes to write about me.

Till next time Lizzies and Sluggies,

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